
Round 3 for Spike Jonze

Jake here. I've been waiting for this for a very very long time. There's been forward and backward rumors going on about this for over a year now and I've been biting my nails the entire time. Spike Jonze takes his time with his work which is why Being John Malkovich and Adaptation were so pristine. The trailer for this makes it look like his finest work.



Stephanie said...

wow- cool cool cool! i am so excited!

Unknown said...

COOL! I am so excited!!

Lynn said...

I just saw the trailer for this yesterday. I'm so excited!

Lindsay De McBride said...

I cannot wait. this is going to be so rad.

Unknown said...

Wow, that's the first trailer I've seen. It looks amazing! I was trying to picture how it was going to be a movie...and didn't come close, but wow, it looks good. I think we should all go together, seeing as we must have read it growing up a thousand times! I've read it to Emma in the hundred's already. Best book ever! :) I have it on my school "Read" poster in my classroom as my fav book. Awesome!