
Seen It - Sewn It

A few months back this J Crew jacket was hopping around the blogosphere. With snow days I had some extra sew days. Here is how my version turned out.
Sorry about my really awesome photography skills. I got lazy with the jacket and did not make a liner.


Rachel said...

never apologize. you are amazing! this jacket is great!

Melissa said...

wow, cute! I want to see a picture of you wearing it...please!?

Anonymous said...

I love the fabric that you used in your version of the jacket. I would love to see photos of you wearing the jacket!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is imPRESSive, AJ! Wow! It looks just like you -- darling! Yes, we need to see pics of you wearing it. You're awesome!

Tara said...

yea i want to see you strutting your stuff... and i want one!

AJones said...

what pattern did you use?
I am starting a monthly arts and craft night with some friends. To get to gether an paint sew bead whatever and this is super cute!

Britanny said...

Amazing...did you make your own pattern? You better be wearing this to church tomorrow!

Heather said...

HELLO! You are AMAZINGGGG!!!!!!!!! Can I see a picture with you wearing it, please!? I'm calling you today. Sorry I've been a bad friend and haven't called dyou back. I think about you all the time and miss you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoox.

kelsey said...

you make me sick with all your skills!

MJ said...

AJ!!! I want this! You are so CRAFTY! always have been..... :o)

modestmuse said...

OH MY GOSH! I love it!! You are really amazing -- and I remember you don't use patterns, so this is super-impressive. You better watch out, you're going to have to start making these in batches and putting them on your Etsy!

Patria said...

i didn't ever see the Jcrew jacket, but it's brilliant- i love that you made that! you are awesome, its darling! i also like the black and white houndstooth coat you are wearing in the pics above- you are beautiful!

Jason and Michelle Ellsworth said...

AMAZING! you are pure talent! I should get on your list--so that you make things for me. =]