

We visited our awesome family members (Luke and Lindsay) in Bellingham again this weekend. They took us to a rad place called Semiahmoo. It is a spit of land with a small road on it and water on both sides of the road. At the end of the spit there are some condos, marina and a small grocery store. It was amazing because parts of ocean were frozen, something I have never seen before. It was so cool to see snow on the sea shore.

The snow and the shore.

The frozen bay.

I thought the rocks looked so neat being cover/uncovered by snow.

This was frozen moss. It was like a frozen blanket. You would step on it and sink.

You can see the differentiation between the water and frozen water.


Rachel said...

these are beautiful. I've always wanted to see snow on a beach.

Kelli Radmall said...

Cool and cold I am sure. LOVE the coat!

AJones said...

I made the butternut squash with and cocunut apple filling along with the croissants and the chicken apple salad filling...It's really fun!!! Especially if you get competitive people because you get DELICIOUS, unique food! Some special ingredients we've done are apples, coconut, limes, nuts.
Let me know if you try it and how it goes!

Ashley said...

Beautiful. Are you enjoying the camera?

Ashley said...

PS..I hate that you're back at work.

AJ said...

Loving the camera! So happy you could lead the way with great camera skills.
I too, am so so sad to be back at work. :(

Em Levy {orange + barrel} said...

Love the coat!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's amazing -- thanks for sharing! Also, you like like a model.