

I just signed up to play on a spring volleyball team. I can't wait to play again. I have not play on an organized team in years. I couldn't find any action shots but here are some after shots. I had so much fun playing for UVSC. Playing for BYU-H was ok, they were totally racist. It was nice to have all my big bros around to support me though. {We look like babies in this photo}


Lindsay De McBride said...

AJ, i miss you so much. you are so cute.

Unknown said...

Yeah, AJ! I'm so glad you get to play? Are you playing on a city league?

Molly Malia said...

those smiths are so hot right now!
i'm so glad that you are going to play again, that just motivates me to get out and do something that i used to love to do!

The Tesimales said...

hey gf, is that girl with the dark brown hair named Larissa by any chance? i think she is my neighbor

shelly said...

I remember when you first got to UVSC to play for them, and I think I'd just driven Chelsea up to Utah for school. She & I went and spied on you practicing. So fun!

Smith Family said...

not to change the subject... but my husband is friggin hot!

Smith Family said...

no, for real, i just got crush butterflies