The benefits of living 3 blocks away from Microsoft's main campus are starting to payoff. They have been calling all month to recruit 20 something year olds for a research focus study. The first time around I did not fit the bill because Jake has worked for Apple but they needed a replacement and I was shortly called back later. Anyway, today I went for 2 hours and got a $600 voucher to their gratuity store. The building I went to was where they develop their game and gaming systems. Our focus group was on the Zune and Zune Social. I signed a form saying I would not disclose any information so I won't (not like I really know anything anyway).
Jake and I had no use for what we could get with the voucher so we bought some software and are selling it on Craigslist for a few hundred! I am looking forward to that.
*And Jake is doing a focus group in 2 weeks for 1 hour and $75 cash!
{if anyone is interested you can fill out a profile on}
I just filled out a profile for Shane and I...hope to get some good moola/loot! :)
that is rad.
you guys are blog posting animals. seriously, i can't keep up with you.
i love the pic of you and the brothers from byuh vollyball, got that greasy happy hawaii shine all ova. hawaii misses you too.
and i keep forgetting to send you my address...working on that....
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