
Seattle Bites

We went and got some delicious licousness in Seattle last night. Dicks Burgers are comparative to In-N-Out just a little dirtier.


Stephanie said...

can you send me that dress when youre done with it?? thanks. :)

AJ said...

most certainly. it is actually a skirt i made and it ripped last night. i will maybe wear it one more time and then it is all yours!

Heather said...

I don't believe that cupcake's real. You'll have to prove it to me.

Unknown said...

HOLY COW! That's all I have to say about that cupcake!

Brittany said...

i heart dicks.

Ashley said...

I can taste that cupcake right now.

ashley said...

mmm, just reading the words in-n-out makes me happy to be in california!

Anonymous said...

um that skirt is amazing, acutally your whole outfit is!!

that cup cake is CRAZY! it kinda looks like the cat poo (or twix's as we like to call them) that koda likes to eat, but not as stinky...

miss you

AJ said...

so happy to hear from you. I miss you too! I tried to wear that outfit to the temple and jake said that it was not 'appropriate. boo to him. i wore fishnets the next day to church....muahhaha

love that koda eats twix poop. who wouldn't?
miss you!!!!

Jake said...
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Kelli Radmall said...

Love the outfit. Need the cupcake. Right. Now.

Fishnets to church-how scandalous!

Patria said...

that cupcake looks fantastic. i left a comment under your white coat post, i realized afterwards that you may never have found it (:

Unknown said...

Thanks for introducing us to those cupcakes...they were delicious! :)

MJ said...

yep, ready to eat that cupcake right now thanks!