
Help I'm Alive

Aj here. I heard this song on KEXP driving home from school. I am a big fan of female musicians (chic rock) and not ashamed of it at all. Emily Haines of Metric is very talented and I appreciate her creativity. Hands down Canada produces not only great bands but I feel they have the strongest outpouring of female musicians (Metric/Haines are Toronto based). Jake and I went on our honeymoon to B.C. December 2006 and were blown away by how much chic rock was on the radio (so did Jake- he is not the largest female musician fan).

Here is an interview with Haines sharing where her inspiration for this track came from. The track, Help I'm Alive, will be on the new Metric album due release early next year.

I tried really hard to find a better way to post the song. This is the best I could do. Compliments of a dedicated fan.

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