
A Change Of Temperature and Heart

Yay for snow days in the great state of Washington. People shut down anything and everything for snow days here. Schools have been closed down for 2 days and will most likely be closed tomorrow. I am thrilled, seeing as I needed a break and can not kick this 2 week cold.
This was the snow on Wednesday.

{A little snippet for those who know I LOVE Target, you go down the street and past the trees, voila!}

This is what we woke up to today. This was taken through the screen, sorry!
When we lived in UT for a few months I literally shed tears when we in Park City and it sprinkled snow. I am infamous for hating snow. We walked around last night running errands and I realized that maybe I can appreciate snow. It really is pretty and makes everything so light out. Seattle is gray a lot of the time so a nice white blanket isn't so bad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We finally got snow, too! Wasn't it fun today? I didn't know you weren't a big fan of snow. I hope you survive this weekend in Leavenworth!