
Philippines, Singapore, India

Jake here. A few photos from the trip.

Philippines. I believe it is the single strangest place I have ever been. I was in Eastwood City and it's about a square mile in suburban Manila with a bunch of high rises that suddenly appear in a really flat area with nothing but houses surrounding it. There is a gigantic Dell building and an IBM building and several other huge sky scrapers. This city is filled with call centers. And because it is on the other side of the world most of the work is done at night so from 8:00pm to 6:00 in the morning the city is really busy and that's when they get the most traffic, etc. Also, the entire city is a planned community with apartments and everything was built at the exact same time and everything is super nice. There are probably 75 really nice themed restaurants in this tiny city center. I ate at a pirate themed Italian restaurant. This place is probably best described as Disneyland with no rides. There is security everywhere, weird decorated and themed restaurants everywhere and super nice service. The whole city was pretty much built for Americans to go over and set up call centers so it's really just an outsourcing center and unbelievably strange.

Singapore. Spent about 5 hours walking around the city on a layover. Nicest big city I've seen in my life. Didn't see a car more than 2 years old. Awesome.

India. Disclaimer: Stop reading if you have some sort of respect or romantic idea about this place. Dirtiest, most crowded place I've been. People were great but Chennai was dreadful. 15 million people and so chaotic and disorganized there isn't even a downtown area. Just a massive pulp of traffic, rubble and garbage. I'd go so far as to say Worse than Tijuana. Again, no disrespect to Indian people. They were absolutely wonderful. The nicest most service oriented people I've ever met, but the city was awful.

Mahabalipuram. About an hour south of where the remnant pulp of Chennai ends. Filled with tons of ancient monolithic sculptures. Very cool.


Ryan said...

You went to the Philippines to eat Italian food?
In social settings from now on, try to start all your stories with 'When I was in India/Singapore/Philippines' all snooty-like.
That'll show those smug Seattle hipsters.
That's awesome you got to travel. Singapore is where the Vietnamese go to honeymoon. Yes, I'd love to go with you. 1,000 times yes.
What's the next location on your list for business or pleasure?

Ryan said...

P.S. I'm giving up my blog to start one in your comments.

Nik and Liane said...

that's soooooooo sweet!! i can't wait to see more pictures....and hear crazy stories....and then go to Disney World!!